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Publishing options

Publishing options

The Ghost editor has everything you need to fully optimise your content. This is where you can add tags and authors, feature a post, or turn a post into a page…

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Organising your content

Organising your content

Ghost has a flexible organisational taxonomy called tags which can be used to configure your site structure using dynamic routing…

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Apps & integrations

Apps & integrations

There are three primary ways to work with third-party services in Ghost: using Zapier, editing your theme, or…

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Playing with fire

Playing with fire

Fire is the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products…

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The ride of a lifetime

The ride of a lifetime

There is a series of spiritual, or supernatural beliefs regarding fortune. These beliefs vary widely from one to another, but most agree that luck can be influenced through…

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